Saturday, November 26, 2005

Pyjama party...

Can't believe I'm sitting in office after last night's drunken revelry...24 hour shifts start from Monday and we'll only be getting off on weekdays, so we decided to party this one time before get ******.

We got drunk, ate and played Truth n Dare... a lot of deep dark secrets were out but I can't share them with you 'coz The Circle has been sworn to secrecy. But the funniest was when we asked to think of this one 'makeoutable guy' in office, other than the Big B all of us just thought about this one guy, who is quite a few years younger than us...and even those who didn't think of him felt that from today they will look at him 'differently' and thus, spent the most of their morning shift leching at him....

The other highlights were obviously Nandu falling asleep amidst the 'sexfiles discussion' and suddenly waking-up to explain 69 and ending-up explaining 99...and going back to sleep unperturbed.

But then the night is over 'n now its back to work...'Raat gayee, baat gayee'(night gone, talk gone)...such is life and we shall live.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Hey my friend sent me this...and I wanted to share this with you...

A little girl needs Daddy
For many, many things:
Like holding her high off the ground
Where the sunlight sings!
Like being the deep music
That tells her all is right
When she awakens frantic with
The terrors of the night.

Like being the great mountain
That rises in her heart
And shows her how she might get home
When all else falls apart.

Like giving her the love
That is her sea and air,
So diving deep or soaring high
She'll always find him there.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Missing Dad

Going back to an empty house is difficult...when I had gone to get the food packed I didn't have to worry about whether Dad will like mustard sauce with his sandwich better than white sauce...
Its not that I have not lived alone before...I have lived alone and in stranger places, where I didnot understand what my landlady said and she banned all my friends including girls to visit me...
Anyway thats for a different post....
I realised that in this one year, I got to know my dad more than I knew him during the 18 years that I stayed with him. Before this Dad was like this quite person for whom everything was fine, he had no specific likes and dislikes,he was a man limited needs...
In the last one-year I have watched all my movies with him, all my coffee and dinner outings were with him and I realised how little I knew him. He loved watching movies, he laughed and cried in the movies, he loved butter popcorn. He liked Cafe Mocha in Barista and prefered Chinese to any other cuisine. He has strong opinions about a lot of things apart from religion. He is easily hurt by people from his own family and cares little about what other people say. He hates unambitious people. He dislikes the fact that he has been brought up in a way that he is very cautious before he does anything.
He loves traveling, we had a blast at Ajmer, Pushkar and Mussorie (the trips in the last 1 year).
His faith is unshakeable and that brings the peace that we have always seen but he is not illogical and hates the blind beliefs that have crept in. I miss the heated debates I used to have with him on religion...
I'm reallly grateful to God that I got to spend quality time with him this year...Miss You Baba!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Islam misinterpreted

Blasts rip through Paharganj, Sarojini Nagar and Govindpuri and for a moment I just feel numbed...62 dead, 6 bodies lying unindentified charred beyond recognition and 100s scarred could have been any of us...As J stepped in, I couldn't believe it...we were actually calling each of our friends to ensure they were fine.

I sit here wondering does my religion teach this? As I gulp the first sip of water after a day-long roza and feel a sense of peace...I wonder how does their mind work?
Jehad? What Jehad? Holy war against kaafirs (non-believers)? Who kaafir? There could have been so many Muslims doing their last weekend shopping before Eid.

Islam doesn't teach this...I don't have the unquestioning faith my dad has...but I wonder shaken, which interpretation of The Quran asks you to kill...

I feel disillusioned at times...

Read this...Bismillah...In the name of Almighty Allah...the most gracious and the most merciful...